Kiss Me Kate - Horsham Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, 2010

HAODS' 2010 production of Kiss Me Kate was the first time Brian acted both a Musical Director and Publicity Officer simultaneously, and after creating more than a dozen prototype designs, he eventually produced a poster featuring an "antiqued portrait" of his leading lady, Debby Field, in her role of "Katherine", looking like thunder and accompanied by the appropriate lightning. As with his previous programme, for Oklahoma, Brian decided to use the poster image as the front cover for another full-colour, 24 page, A5 sized booklet.
Illustrations Galore
Brian didn't want to waste the artwork he'd created and/or harvested for the prototype poster designs, and so chose some of the more enjoyable pieces to add colour and interest at various points throughout the programme.

Inside Front Cover and Notices
As ever, the inside the front cover carries a full-page advertisement, and the first page displays the show notices, credits, copyright details and, of course, the NODA logo, in this case backed by a bleached and solarised image of the portrait design.
Directors' Biographies and Scene List
The first true spread contains biographies of the Director (Heather Kemeys), Choreographer (Jackie Shepherd) and Musical Director (Brian), as well as a list of scenes, set against a pastel-coloured hyrbid king/queen playing card, based on an image from some of the original prototype poster designs.

Chairman's Chat, Principal Biographies, Player Lists and Synopsis
The ensuing three spreads begin with a "Chairman's Chat", a column always provided by Ray Fisher, HAODS' Chairman, followed by three pages of Principals' biographies and both cast and orchestra lists. These spreads are followed by a fourth, showing the synopsis, together with a colourful image of Padua derived from an ancient woodcut.

Sir Norman Wisdom
After a page of advertisments, the next spread includes a tribute to Sir Norman Wisdom, HAODS' long-time President, whose sad passing away had recently been reported, together with a photo taken at HAODS' 50th Anniversary Ball, at which Sir Norman had been guest of honour, here sitting next to HAODS member, Lois Donnelly.
The HAODS Hotties
On an altogether happier note, the following spread contain a page about HAODS' year-long project to produce a Charity Calendar, dubbed the "HAODS Hotties", and featuring lovely photographs of the female cast, posing in make-believe scenes from assorted musicals. This calendar was on sale in the foyer, and the left hand page was a shameless plug; on the right was anther advertisement from a sponsor.

Show Credits
The remaining two true spreads contained some information about the HAODS website, the regular show credits, together with advertisements both for HAODS and from local sponsors.

List of Shows, Cast Photo and Back Cover
As before, the last true page carries the history of HAODS shows, over a yellow wash background including the HAODS "50 years" logo in white, and the inside back cover, carries the full cast photograph; finally, the back cover itself advetises the next two HAODS productions, backed by a blue-outline version of the Padua image.

Click on the links below to find out about some other programme designs: