Half A Sixpence - Horsham Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, 2011

For HAODS' 2011 production of Half A Sixpence, Brian was involved only with publicity, rather than performing this function in addition to his regular role as the company's musical director. The show director, Yvonne Chadwell, had perviously asked Brian to create old-fashioned poster, which he duly produced, based on an early colour postcard from Folkestone, the town in which this show is set.
Just for fun, Brian decided to illustrate the programme, which was to be a 28-page A5 booklet, printed in full colour throughout, with an assortment of seaside themed images, including seagulls, piers, and views of Old Folkestone. To his surprise, these light-hearted adornments were liked by everyone who saw them, so they remained in the programme.

Inside Front Cover and Notices
The inside the front cover carries the usual full-page advertisement, and the first page displays the show, copyright notices and the NODA logo, overlaid on a feint line drawing which is based on the design from the front cover.
Chairman's Chat and Directors' Biographies
The following spread carries the traditional message from the HAODS Chairman, as well as biograpies of the director and musical director: this spread was simply set, with inlaid portraits as the only illustrations.

Principal Biographies and Cast List
The next three spreads are dedicated to the biographies of the principal characters, as well as a list of the rest of the cast; this is followed by a spread listing the members of the orchestra, together with an advertisement and a set of rehearsal photographs.

The Story, Musical Numbers, and What's in a Sixpence?
The story of the show is presented on the left hand page, and a list of musical numbers is given on the right, accompanied by pictures of a Herring Gull head and an old Folkestone street respectively; this spread is in turn followed by one with a pair of HAODS advertisements on the left, together with an image of an old bandstand, and on the right, a set of 12 interesting facts about the Sixpence!

Director's Blurb, HAODS Hotties Update and Show Credits
Yvonne's personal take on the show, an update to the "HAODS Hotties" charity calendar project, and assorted show credits make up the next four spreads, together with pictures of a flying Herring Gull, the young members of the cast, some information about the HAODS website, and a number of advertisements from local sponsors.

List of Shows, Cast Photo and Back Cover
Finally we get to the last page, which lists the history of HAODS shows, over a yellow wash background including the HAODS "50 years" logo in white, the inside back cover, which carries a photo of the adult cast; and last but not least, to the back cover, which shows two advertisments for forthcoming productions, together with one more Herring Gull.

NODA Award
Brian was thrilled to hear that his programme for Half A Sixpence won second prize in NODA's 2011 Programme and Poster competition, announced in June 2012!
Click on the links below to find out about some other programme designs: