Welcome to Solanum!
From original music to advanced computer software, from web and graphic design to botany and travel, from searing hot peppers to boomerangs that really come back - this, and much more, is what you'll find at here Solanum. In short, Solanum is all about interest, fun, and the finer things in life.
On this website, you'll find out about me, Brian D Steel, and my professional work in music, software and design; you'll also gain a glimpse into the fun stuff that keeps me going between performing musical shows, writing Prolog compilers, and designing websites.
Solanum Going Mobile Friendly
A major project is underway to revise the Solanum website to make it "mobile friendly", to ensure that text, diagrams and images are all easily browsed and readable on smartphones and other small-screen, hand-held devices.
These updates will take some time to complete, but will be performed in small batches and uploaded from time to time, rather than waiting until the whole website has been adapted. Watch this space!

Quick Links
The following table gives quick links to some of this website's main highlights:
Under Construction!
Please note that this website is currently undergoing major improvements, so please don't be surprised if some pages report that they are still under construction!